Thursday, July 2, 2015

Jawaab Hufan: Mustafow, Ogaadeen waa badan yahee, barasho kuu laaban!

Cumar  (Ibraahin) Cawaale-ka hadhagaale news iyo C/xakiim Cigaale Cumar-ka ku xigeenka CMC 

Akhristow, wali ma is weydiisay in qoraa barbarad ah uu u qaato qalin si uu u xaqiro ama ugu geysto qabiil dhan aflagaado iyo handa'daad, wax aynan ka heysan isaga oo ka doonaya is la markaasna qoraal dheer wakhti iyo shilimo ba ku bixiyay.Hadda ka horna waxa uu is barbar dhigay Cabdi Maxamuud Cumar iyo Cabdi Jibriil oo uu si xaq darro, eex qabiil iyo qabyaalad ku dheehan tahay ugu sheegay ninkiisa in uu yahay ceeb ka saliim.

Mustafe isaga oo ka duulaya deegaanadii ay Itoobiya dhawaan u gacangalisay Canfarta , deegaanadaas oo ay ka mid yihiin Cadaytu, Cundhufo iyo Gadhmalaw oo dhammaan ka tirsanaa Gobalka Sitti, haseyeeshee, hadda si rasmi ah oo xaqdarro ah u hoostaga maamulka Canfarta ayuu qoraalkan hoose ee uu ugu magacdaray: "Axmed Madoobe iyo Cabdi iley maxay is ka shabahaan?" ugu gafay Ogaadeen idil ahaantii. 

Waxaa marag ma doonta ah, in soomaali u dhan tahay Gobollada Jubbooyinka, haba lagu xaq lahaado ama lagu lagu kala badnaadee, balse, in muddo ah, waxaa soo ifbaxeysay in shacabweynaha ku dhaqan Gobollada Jubba, aysan raalli ku aheyn habka loo soo xulay baarlamaanka maamulka Jubbooyinka, oo intiisa badan ay qaateen dad ka soo wada jeeda hal beel, oo ah tan uu ka dhashay Axmad Madoobe, inta kalena la duudsiiyay xaqoodii dastuuri iyo deegaan ay ku lahaayeen.

Waxa meesha ka cad in qoraagu uunan ba aqoon macnaha erayga "u dhanaansho" waayo haddii uu garanayo maba u isticmaaleen Gobalada Jubooyinka in ay Soomaali oo dhan u dhan tahay, taas oo macnaheedu noqonayo in uu Ciise, Isaaq iyo Samaroon, iwm ay dagaan Gobalada Jubooyinka si ay u dhanaanshiyaha Soomaaliyeed ee uu ku doodayo Mustafe loo saxo. In kasta oo  dad saluugaya wali jiro saluuguna uu yahay mid dabeecada aadanaha ah iyo in uu wax badsi raadsado- 71-ka xildhibaan- Absame (Ogaadeen) waxa ay ka qaateen 21 xubnood oo deegaanadooda ay uga soo baxeen. Halkan ka akhriso hadii ay ku baal martay. 

"Qofkii caddaaladda ka hadla, ma ka dhiidhinaya, waxaa lagula kacay, dil, jirdil iyo qafaal! Odayaal lagu laayay kismaayo oo nabadoonno ah, oo ka soo horjeestay qorshaha guracan ee AHMED MADOOBE, ABDI AFEEY IYO GABRE."

Qoraagu barbaradku ma sheegin magaca hal qof oo kaliya oo inta ay cadaalad daro ka hadleen ama ka dhiidhiyeen lagu la kacay gabood fallo ay ka mid yihiin dil, jidhdil iyo qafaalasho ama odayaal lagu laayay Kismaayo ka dib markii ay mucaaradeen Mudane Sheikh Axmed Madoobe, Danjire Maxamed Cabdi Afey iyo Gabre waa sida uu hadalka u dhigee. 

" Siyaasaddan mid la mid ah ayuu Cabdi Maxamuud Comar (Cabdi Ileey) ka hirgeliyay dowlad goboleedka deegaanka soomalida ITOOBIYA (Soomaali Galbeed), isagoo u sameystay Ciidamo LYUU Police la yiraa, oo loogu talogalay markii hore in lagu soo afjaro xooggaga ONLF ee xornimo doonka ah, kuwaasi oo qeyb ka mid ah ay qaateen heshiis, inta kalena dagaal xoog ah lagu dhameeyo, haddase, loo adeegsado, sidiishacabka loogu xasuuqi lahaa."
Ma jirto siyaasad laga soo minguuriyay Jubaland oo ka dhaqan gali karta Jigjiga waayo dal xor ah iyo dal aan xor aheyn la is ma barbar dhigi karo. Dabcan ciidamada Liyuu-ga waxa loo sameystay in lagu xasuuqo gobanimodoonka Ogaadeen. 7-dii  sano ee ugu danbeysay waxa ay xasuuqayeen waa shacabka Ogaadeen, haseyeeshee, la ma sheegin meel  ay Ciise ku xasuuqaan ilaa imika. Meel ay ONLF isu soo dhiibtay iyada oo hubkeeda ra'rana, lama hayo. Adigu ma noo sheegi kartaa midaas?

Labada nin waa isku hayb (Qabiil ahaan), kumana haysanno ineey reerahaasi u dhasheen, waayo, waa abuur Alle qof ma jiro awood u lahaa inuu doorto reerka uu noqonaayo, balse, xikmadda ka dambeysa, maxay tahay, in loo adeegsado dulmi ay diinta dhaqanka iyo qawaaniintu naga reebeen?.

 Haa, waa is ku reer waana sababta ka danbeysa ee aad ugu la duldhaceyso Sheikh Axmed Madoobe qalafeydhnimada abuurka Allana awood aad ku fara galiso ma lihid-haddii aad heli laheyd waad faragalin laheyd. In kasta oo aadan xusin , Mustafow waxa ay dhaqanka iyo qawaaniintu naga reebtay oo uu Sheekh Axmed Madoobe Ciise ku sameeyay; haddiise  intaba la ixtiraamayo Ciise gabdhaha Ogaadeen ee cawradaha ah inta uu saqdhexe miro  uma soo gacan-galiyeen Itoobiya iyaga oo labiska hoose aan xidhneyd si uu waji uga  helo Tigray-ga. Cadeyn? Akhri

" 2- Waxeyn ka mideysan yihiin inay ku shaqeeyan sidii ay beesha ay ka soo jeedaan ugu abuuri lahaayeen colaad ballaaran, iyagoo danahooda gaarka ah ku fushanayo ineey caamada u muujiyaan in arrinku yahay sida ay u dhigayaan (TIME OF OGADEN)."

Haddii uu saacu la jiro Ogaadeen maanta in badan ayay soo dhibtoodeen soona halgameen,walina way halgamayaan wax aan xaqooda aheyna ma rabaan, caamo iyo culumana way leeyihiin Soomaalina cid ka culumo badan lama sheegin. Iyada oo aan jirin colaad la abuurayo ayay Soomaali colaad ku sargo'an isir naceyn Ogaadeen ayay ku la kaceen cid aan Ogaadeen godab ka galina maanta Soomaali ka ma dhalan. Soomaalida qaarkeed iyo Ogaadeen arinkoodu waxa ay la mid tahay sidii, hooyo ilmaheeda naas ku duweysa, isna uu qaniinyo la boobayo.

" Duudsiinta Xuquuqda shacab weynaha DDS ITOOBIYA iyo sidoo kale DUUDSIINTA Xuquuqda Shacabweynaha ku nool Jubbooyinka, (Sida ka muuqata awood qeybsiga) waxaad ka garan kartaa in labadan sare u xusan ay fidno abuur yihiin, balse, waxaa la yaab leh, in badi laga aamusan yahay falalkooda gurracan dawlad iyo shacabba. Waxaan u jeedaa Soomaali, oo Itoobyaan waaba dan ay leeyihiin, anna kama sugayn."

Itoobiya in aad ka soo quusatay waa wax aad afkaaga ku cadeynayso oo waa gartaa;  in badan ayaad daba muusanowday gidaarka ayaadna soo taabatay. Cida aad u habar wacaneyso iyada ayaa Itoobiyaanka rabta adna waxba kuu ma tari karaan oo tooda ayaa cusleysay haddii aadan meesha uga danlaheyn daladda Ismaaciil Cumarka Jabuuti uu raadinayo oo kuu qarsoon. Ma jirto meel aan Itoobiya aan isku dano ku noqonay-tan iyo Sayidkii Maxamed ahaa qadiyad Soomaalinimo ayaan dabada haystaa.

"Dabadhilifnimo iyagoo ku shaqeeya amarka KENYA IYO ETHIOPIA, ayaa labadaasi dowladood, oo dano gaar ah kaleh soomaliya,waxey u arkeen in ay jaanis u tahay in la taageero nimankan, maadaama ay yihiin dad ku soo hoos koray amar Kenyaati iyo Tigree, oo u dhago fudud fulinta amarrada la duldhigayo xaraf xaraf, (Waxaa caddeyn u ah midna TIGREE wayaa wata, midna KENYA ayaa TANGI ku soo GELBISAY!)"  

Mustafow, Ogaadeen waa faraha badan yahayee, barasho kuu laaban.Ogaadeen waxa ay dagaal kula jiraan Itoobiya taniyo ab ogaa, adiguse la ma sheegin  dagaal aad ku la jirto haddii ay muxaafidnimo ku dhisan daba'dhilifnimo noqotana adiga ayaaba wada muxaafad ah marka laga reebo shakhsi iyo laba kaa mid ah. 
Kenya cid ay taangi ku soo galbisay ma jirto ee Libaaxyada Soomaaliyeed ee Ogaadeen waxa ay ku la dagaalameen Ingiriis ...Khawaarijta Al-Shabaabna iyaga ayaa sanado ugu jiray duurka si  ay ugaga saaraan sidii qasabka aheyd;  dhulkooda inta hadhsana dhawaan filo. Tigray-ga cida u dhaga'nugul ee ay u higaadiso maanta waa adiga waayo 20-kii ugu danbaysay ayaad dhagta hoorinaysay.  

"Cadaaladda iyo awood Qeybsiga Dalka. Tusaale; Cabdi Ileey
 Isweydii Imisa Gobol ayuu Cabdi ileey u sameeyay Reerkiisa (6 gobol iyo bar –degmooyinkana lama sheegi karo, jilib jilib hoose ayuu degmo u siiyay) sida Cadaaladda uu u arko, Shacab weynaha kale ee DDS ITOOBIYA imisa ayuu u sameeyay (2 gobol –iyo bar(Liibaan oo Soomaliweyn ah iyo Shinniile oo Ciise ah) iyo Gobolka Jigjiga oo hadda gebi ahaan uu ku wareejiyay Beeshiisa, isagoo dejiyay mashruuc ah dhulka ninkii dhisanaya aya dagaya, iyo Quruxinta Jigjiga, iyo ma istaahisho Degmo. Xasuusta, aragtidan iyo dhaqankan oo kale, waxaa lahaa Siyaad Barre."
Akhristayaasha inta ay akhristaan qoraalkaagan u qaadanaya mid macnale waa kuwo noocee ah, hadayna aheyn kuwa Hadhagaale website(http://www.hadhagalenews.combes ah mooyee ma garanayo anigu, ileen isaga ayaan sumcadiisa u baqine?!! 

Jigjiga waa magaalo Absame  qofka ka  xun in la dhiso waa mid wanaaga neceb. Siyaad Barre, Soomaali badan waxa ayna ka warqabin  cadaalad darada noocaas ah ee aad ku sifeysay, haddii uunan maanta is dufaaci karin ( Alle ha u naxariista marxuumku) soo warkaagu uma muuqdo mid meyd-garaac ah?!!
" Mid la mid ah mashruuca Cabdi Ileey ayuu ka billaabay Jubbooyinka Axmad Madoobe oo sida uu yahay loo soo koobbi gareeyay, qorshaha iyo fulinta Xaraf Xaraf, waxaan wada ogsoonahay in;  SALAGLE OO AAN WALIGEEN MAQLIN MEESHA DEGMO LOOGA DHIGAY iney dhahaan waa DEGMO!"
In aad baadhis sameyso ayay aheyd inta aadan ka dhigin Salagle in M/weyne Sheeikh  Axmed Madoobe ka dhigay degmo, Salagle 2006-dii ayay degmo noqotay waxaana ka dhigay Alle ha u naxariistee C/Laahi Yuusuf. In been la is ka caadeysto soo ka ma wanaagsana in runta dadka loo sheego mise xaalkaagu waa been haddaadan sheegin baabka laaban sheeg. Ma jirto  siyaasada Jigjiga mid la mid ah in Jubaland wakhtigan xaadirka laga dhaqan galin karo-wadan xor ah iyo mid aan aheyn- ma is ku midbaa?
Wuxuu soo uruuriyay rag masuuliin ka wada ahaa DDS ITOOBIYA OO ISKU JUFO hoose yihiin in la keenay waddankii oo xildhibaanno iyo Masuuliyiin loo magacaabay, dadkii u dhashay Deegaanka ay marti ka noqdaan, hal hal ayaan u garaneynaa inaan farta ku fiiqno ma dooneyno, kulligood magacooda gadaal ka wada raaciyeen HEBEL KISMAAYO IYO HEBLO KISMAAYO, Adeer waa la is yaqaannaa!"
Haddii ay jiraan cid aad hal-hal u garaneyso waad sheegi laheyd haddii ay xujo adag kuugu noqonayso, balse ninka DDS haddii uu ka noqdo masuul Soomaaliya ama meel kale, maxaa u diidi kara si la mid ah Ismaaciil Cumar oo ka soo jeeda Ogaadeeniya waxa uu ka yahay madaxweyne Xeebta Jabuuti sidoo  kale rag badan oo siyaasada Soomaaliya ku jiray (Siyad Barre) jira ayaa gobalka Ogaden ka soo jeeda. Maxaa midka Ogaadeen tuke canbaarle  ka dhigaya?!! Kismaayo haddii la la baxo iyo haddii kale waa mid qofka u taala imisa ayaa hebel ama heblaayo-Jabuuti la baxday dunida joogta?
Sheegashada Deegaanno aysan daganeyn – Adeer waa la is yaqaannaa dhulka sida loo kala daggan yahay (Deegaankana waa ninka xoolaha ku haysta , iyo waraha , Caanaha suuqa keena , Beeraha ku leh dhulka, "
Sheekadaadu waa ku qabso ku qadimeyside , ka dib markii aad Saylac iyo Lughaye damaaciday ee dadkii lahaa ay Ciise waraaboow widee ku dheheen miyaad kula soo dul ga'gabeysaa Raas-Ogaadeen ama Kismaayo ? Malaha Jubaland haddii aynan ragaas geerida aan ka cabsan joogi laheyn waxa ay noqon laheyd diinkii qalfoofka la'aa ee shinbiruhu u heshiiyeen?
Heshiisyo Shisheye sida in uu awood u leeyahay inuu iibin karo dhulka soomaaliyeed, iyo badda Jubbooyinka iyo Contract-yada Petrolka ee Jubba, iyo Jaziiradda Dekedda Kudhaa, Raaskaambooni!"
Jubaland iyada ayaa xor u ah in ay heshiis la gasho shurkadkasta iyo dowlad kasta oo ay dan u aragto in ay shidaal ka baadhi karto Kudha ,Raaskaambooni iyo meelo kaleba, si la mid ah Somaliland, Puntland iyo maamul gobaleedyada kale ee abuurmaya ee ku mideysan Federalism-ka. Waa Ciise kuwa China la soo saxeexday heshiisyo la xidhiidhka shidaal ka qodis Ogaadeeniya, tuumbooyin dhaadheer oo Jabuuti ilaa Jeexdin ah ku qalwaya si aad Dunida caalamka ugu dhoofisaan sidii iyada oo aad iibin kartaan caro ayna  dadkii lahaa go'aan ka gaadhin-Itoobiyana horay ugu maaroweyday.  Ama 40 mashruuc ka dhameyso China ama boqol aniga oo Boosaaso heli kara shidaal Ogaadeen in Jabuuti laga dhoofiyo waa tii saancad laga qaadaa.
E- In uu Ku mashquuliyo maatada rerkiisa Soomaali waa in aan iska dhicinnaa! Wallaahi Wa Rabbul Kacba waxaad arkeysaan adinkoo waayay meel ay xoolaha idiin daaqaan!
Halkuu Ogaadeen inta uu ku shiray ku yidhi, Soomaali aan is ka dhicino? Nin waalan ayaa la yidhi, "War dabka yuunan ku dhajin aqalka ee ka celiya, inta uu dabkii qabadsiiyay ayuu dhahay waad i xasuusiseen markaa in aan Soomaali  la is ka celiyo ay jirto waadba na xasuusiseene agah! Waa laguu iman iyada oo xuduudaha la adkeysanayo ee ha sugi waayin. Ilaahay in aadan ugu dhaaran wax iman doono oo aadan cilmi qeybkeeda Alle ku la shuraakoobin ayaa malaha kaaga haboonaan laheyd. 
Raaskaambooni (New Lyuu Police)
2- Waxaa hoggaamiya Maafiya Lyuu police oo khibrad u leh ineey dadka xasuuqaan, Iyagoo hadda ka qafaashay gudaha Kismaayo in ka badan 1000 dhallinyaro oo darbi jiif ah Ahmad Madoobo oo arrinkaan ka soo koobbiyeeyay Cabdi Ileey ayaa bilaabay hirgelinta Qorshaha iyo fulintiisaba.
Malaha in ay Soomaalidu wax noqoto iyada oo Ciidamo ay isaga dhicineyso cadowgeeda iyo Khawaarijta dhisaneysa. Ma odayaasha xeebtu daashatay iyo gabdhaha u heesa K/taliye Ina-Geele ee aad Soomaaliya ku shaqaleysiisay ayaad raali iyo maqsuud ku ahaan laheyd.
"Ugu Dambeyn , Fadlan waan isku fahannay sheekada, ee loo joojin maayo xaqiiqdu waxa ay tahay." 
Anigu dhalaanimo ayaan kugu bartay oo si la mid ah carruurta kale ayaa la igu seexin jiray ka baqida gees is mariska xeebta. Aan kala weydaaranee Ciisa waraaboow, maalin wacan. Aan ka la weydaaranee Ciisa waraaboow, maalin wacan.
" In laga gudbay Caqliyaddii QADDIYADDA Qabiilka ee aad ka dhiganeysaan ARRINTA KALIYA dadkiinna aad ku dagaal gelineysaan, ADINKUNA KU FAA’IIDI MEYSAAN , QOFNA MA JIRO OO WAX LOOGA QAADAYO, Berri Dambe adinka is Cuni doona."
In dad lagu colaadiyo in ay ka tashadaan aayahooda iyo in ay wax noqdaan wax macno ah oo ay sameynayso ma jirto. Is cunida aad sheegayso hadda ayaan ba is cunaa oo mid la ii saraadinayo ma aha oo Liyuu iyo ONLF ayaa hadh iyo habeen is weera'ra. Waanse ka bixi Idan Alle. Rageyguna dhawaan gacmaha wuu is qabsan.Cadowgoodana meel wuu uga soo wada jeedsan.
"2- Shisheeye Kenya iyo Ethiopia Waxay kaa dhiganayaan iney bohol ku geliyaan, ugu badnaan toban sano kugu shaqeystaan, ka bacdina dadka markey kacaan lagu yiraahdo xal ma heyside iska bax."
Kenya iyo Itoobiya aniga ayay wax iga dhexeeyaan aniga ayayna dhul iga haystaan markaa aniga ayaana dagaal ku la jira ee adigu meesha aad marka aad kacdo igu odhan isaga baxa ee aan kaa haysto ma aanaan ka maqal awoowayaashano.
3- Anigana ku baryi maayo, ninkii Dhoof ku yimid beey geeridu dhibeysaa, waa maalmo yar oo kaliya waxaad arki doontaa sida Reerkaagu yiraahdo (EEDDEEY DABADDAA I GELI) inay ka dhacdo.
Haddii aad i baridana waa baryo xaq darro ah , dabcan qofkii dhoof ku yimid bey geeridu dhibaysaa -si la mid ah sida ay uga huleeleen is bahaysigii Dooxada Juba iyo Khawaarijta ayuu uga socon cid kasta oo raadisa dhul aysan laheyn. Timirtii horeba loo dabwaa!
4- Waxaan oggolnahay wax kasta oo ku dhisan Xalaal, walaaltinimo, wax wada qeybsi, Cadalad, Horumar, Tanaasul 15%, si soomaalinimo loo hirgeliyo.
Taas yaa laga helaa oo aan Ogaadeen aheyn ? Mida aad dooneyso soo aan wada qaato ma aha marka aad ka dhigayso Ogaadeen mid aan dhul Soomaaliya ku laheyn isaga oo dhulka ugu nimcada badan si ka duwan xeebta uu Ilaahay makaniyay.Adiguse cadaalad halkeed ku sameysay aad cadaalad raadiside.
5- Inta Caqliga iyo Xikmadda u saaxiibka ah ee REERKAAGU ha Ogaadaan inan ka dignay maanta waxa dhici doono, laga bilaabo maantana la iska kiin dhicin doono ILEEY IYO MADOOBE!
Kolna taagtaa, kolna tabartaa. Waxa la odhan jiray, Ogaadeen nin  maqleyna sigay, nin arkeyna dhiman. sidoo kale, waxa la odhan jiray qaan Ogaadeen waa qaaxo kugu maqan.Anna waxa aan dhahaa , dhakhtarkii dagaalkiyo dhiiranuhu waa ani, waa anii.  Wax aan kaa heysto oo aan ka aheyd madaaci waalan oo dhulboob nimo ah mooyee, ma ogi anigu. "Ragow Damaca waa lagu hufaaye kaas ha la ogaado." 
Waxa aan ku soo gunaanadi lahaa qormadeyda, marka uu qof aan sooyaal taariikheed oo la taaban karo laheyn waa gar in uu xag-xagashada badiyo is la markaasna qeylo-quute noqdo isaga oo is leh jiritaankaaga muuji.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Ethiopia: after Pressing, does Jigjiga Host the Uninvited Guests?

The Media and Aid agencies banned Ogaden Region of Ethiopia has been sealed off from the rest of the World and Jigjiga which is the current capital city of the Ogaden Region is now lonely and isolated from the rest of the vast 9 provinces of Ogaden region this comes after Ethiopian authority deployed the notorious Liyu Police militia outside of the City that blocked the streets entering into Jigjiga in part of what they say a security tight.

The So-called Regional authority imposed twelve-hour curfew on vehicles which has been declared to be effective from 6P.M.until 6A.M. and people were urged to stay indoors after 8p.m. during the night hours throughout the Ogaden Capital City of Jigjiga.

According to local sources: Workers, teachers and School children are ordered to participate in security-tight by setting up check-points throughout the city streets and checking the people that passing by the streets during the day.
Water supplies is very scarce in the City these days it is not clear whether it is a result of inadequate natural water resources to supply the City’s demand or economic water scarcity. It also said, the electricity has cut off the city as a punishment to make the residents of the city to obey the administration’s orders.
The Ogaden Regional administration that is appointed by the Federal government of Ethiopia declared to host what they call Ethiopia Nations’, Nationalities and People Day for the first time in Jigjiga which is questioned the capability of the city due to the hardship it may bring.
The so-called “Ethiopia’s Nations’, Nationalities and People’s Day” is hosted by one of the 9 nations annually this time the Ethiopian appointed president of Abdi Iley who is under investigation in criminal charges requested to be host in Ogaden Region amid to make Ethiopia government believe that ONLF fighters defeated.But trembled with fear and confused after ONLF attacked several positions in Jarar and Faafan Provinces that led him to overact to the residents of major cities.
The celebration is amid cultural contacts between 9 ethnic nationalities within Ethiopia but the Ethiopian government critiques say, where the event will be held is not too far from Jail Ogaden, a notorious prison that is held several thousand of political inmates without seeing a court,and the detention period has no limited,moreover,the relatives of the inmates are denied to visit them.
This is against the International Law and the traditional principles of the Somali people of Ogaden Region.While Prisoners are severely tortured during the interrogation,starving to death, shot and secretly buried without informing their relatives.
Despite the Ethiopian Authority’s pressing the local people,The Somali People of Jigjiga and the Somali people of Ogaden Region generally are unhappy and unwilling to host the so-called Hidhar 29 or The so-called “Ethiopia’s Nations’, Nationalities and People’s Day” at this point, therefore, after pressing,does Jigjiga host the uninvited guests?

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Ethiopia:Why is IGAD's Reputation in Tatters

The Regional Organization of IGAD is now an organization that serves the self-interest of Ethiopia-exploited minority tribe that inhabited in Ethiopia's highland of Tigray.
Established in 1996 in Djibouti, the Organization's principles and its purposes behind its creation has been hijacked by Ethiopia-ruled minority tribe of Tigrayan People's Liberation Front or (TPLF).
"The role of certain Regional countries such as Somalia, Sudan, Djibouti in the body is missing and it's obvious that the Organization is hijacked by Ethiopia," said Ali Abdi, a Somali independent researcher
Ethiopia elites use IGAD as a tool to lobby International Community against Regional states such as Somalia and Eritrea and its powerful oppositions.
Ethiopia has been very keen to use an old, aged-policy based on divide-and-rule among ethnic groups within its Country and beyond its border and also establishing renegade individuals and administrations in the region that can serve, advocate, and speak out its interest within Somali inhabited territories for the last two decades. One of renegade individuals is Eng. Mahboub Maalim, who as reported "regurgitates Ethiopia government "Propaganda".
"As for Eng. Mahboub, every word that Ethiopia whispers into his ears are enough to tattoo on his body", Said Mr. Abdi.
Uganda was competing against Ethiopia before, but it is likely to be that it was defeated because Ethiopia enjoys the votes of four regional nations-Djibouti, Somalia, South Sudan and her vote-that can't go anywhere else, while Kenya is neutral.
The Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) is an eight-country trading bloc based in Eastern Africa. Including governments from the Horn of Africa, Nile Valley and African Great Lakes, its headquarters are located in Djibout.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Ethiopia: Security Forces Crackdown on Ahlusuna Waljama' in Ogaden Region

There is a Somali legendary,the Sufis had been a blood-war with another sect from he Capital of Somalia, Muqdisho ,Commanded by a Scholar named,Shiekh Ibrahim.And Sufi Scholar,Sheikh Maqdashe,in Ogaden Region sought a support from Ethiopian highlanders by saying "Naa'" which in Amharic means "come" in a loud voice. Ethiopia and Sufi Sect have had full diplomatic relationship since that time.
But as Bismarck coined the term, 'In politics, there are no permanent friends or foes, only permanent interests'.
A decades ago, an Ethiopian soldier mistakenly assumed a Sufi member a rebel and started to beat and harass him.The Sufi man asked for a young man to interpret between him and the Ethiopian soldier by saying that he was a member of Sufi followers. The young man said in a response a term that became a common Somali saying,"Afka aad kaga keentay Maqale ku la hadal" which roughly translated, 'You can speak with him the same language that you make him come here (Ogaden region), from Meleke'.
That shows how Somalis in the Ogaden region have been unhappy with the Ethiopian occupation.
For the last couple of years,Ethiopia Government and the Regional puppet Administration of Occupied-Ogaden have been targeting Ahlu suna Waljama' (ASWJ),a moderate Sufi Islamist sect that has hundreds of thousands of followers in the vast majority of Somalis in the Ogaden Region.
Ethiopia Army and its ally the notorious Liyu Police militia attacked several Qadiriyah school teachings among them Birqod, Kabri-bayax, Danan, and Araarso.
The sects main Uluma' figures were accused of supporting an independence seeking rebel group,Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF) and were jailed in a notorious Prison,locally known as "Jail Ogaden" in the Regional Capital of Jigjiga. The crackdown comes after Ehlu Sunna Waljama's arch-enemy Al-Itihaad Al-Islamiya (AIAI), a radical Islamist group, signed a peace-deal with Addis Ababa in July 30th,2010.
An article posted on Ogadentoday Presss states that there was a religious disagreement between ASWAJ AND AIAI who should dominate the Masjid-ul Acla.And one of them must be out from the political arena.
"We gravely concern for the Sheikhs' well being".We put our trust in Allah and when Allah intervenes in the Ethiopian evil and the Bid'ah-refers to any innovations in religious matters-amid Al-Itihaad Al-Islamiya (AIAI) will be defeated ", Said Mr. Aidid,an exile Sufi follower.
Several thousands of civilians are serving life in prison in notorious "Jail Ogaden" without charge among them the sheikhs or scholars of Sufi sect and their followers.
Ethiopia Army and the ASWJ had been living next to each other for a long time, and the sect,(ASWAJ) believes that the arrests of its scholars is only a conspiracy from its arch-enemy ,Itahad-Al Islamiya,that want to cause grief for the Qadiriyah followers .
"I would like to express my sympathy to the jailed,demised, and injured Uluma,and I can assure you that this is only a conspiracy from Al-Itahaad," said Sheikh Aidid.
Al-Itahad leadership in Ogaden region believes that affiliating with the Regional puppet administration is not only a privilege for them but a right to revenge against their arch-enemies ASWAJ and ONLF. But also a chance to attract youths that can devote its strict teachings of Islam in the long-term and when the time is right,they will be able to wage a Jihadi war against the black imperialist of Ethiopia.
"Our peace-deal with Ethiopia was not surrendering as many believes,but a game-changer, only military effort was not the solution, we can dominate the economic sector and teach teenagers the sharia law,then when the time is right;we can defeat the Christian state of Ethiopia",Said Al-Itahaad leader,who declined to be named.
The embattled Ahlu Suna Waljama'a in Somalia is heavily armed and enjoy military confidence while its impoverished followers in Ogaden region are unarmed and money-striped.And the Sect is now desperately searching support from their followers in Somalia.
But it is not clear what the sect will do since it's an Ethiopian ally against Al-Shabab in Somalia.
So Will the sect offer support to its Qadiriyah fellows in Ogaden region or not? That's the sixty-four-thousand-dollar question!

Ethiopia: Human Rights Abuses in Ogaden Gets International Attention: .A Good News Story?

After years of human rights abuses in Ogaden region without international independent investigation,Ogaden region seems to finally have a good news story.Sweden will be the first European country that is investigating what Swedish Prosecutors say a serious human rights abuses committed at Ogaden region.
“I absolutely welcome the good news of holding those who committed the atrocities and human rights abuses in occupied-Ogaden responsible”,said Mohammed Hared, a 31 year-old Somali activist and an active member of Ogaden Youth and Students Union,OYSU-North America.
Established in Denmark in June 27th, 2010,The Ogaden Youth and Students Union or OYSU is a non-governmental,non-profit Organisation as the name refers to OYSU consists of youth educators around the Globe that their mission is advocate for the rights of the youth, Students, children in diaspora and in Ogaden Region as well as promoting and advocating for justice,Freedom and a lasting peace in Ogaden Region
Early of this year,the Organization extended its role and waged a campaign to draw the attention of the International Community what it says “The Ignored Hidden Genocide in Ogaden” in the last couple of years. Two great events are about to held in South Africa and North America betweenNovember 27 and 29.
Despite well-documented evidences by the Rights Groups, the Ethiopia Government has been denying any wrong doing for the last 7-8 years when it times to human rights abuses committed at Ogaden region,but now nothing is ever hidden from the International Community.
“I don’t really think the atrocities committed at Ogaden have ever been hidden from the international community.It is just that many countries around the World chose to ignore the plight of the Somali people in occupied-Ogaden”, said Mr. Hared,in an email response.
Rights groups such as Human Rights Watch,Amnesty International, and Genocide Watch have been collecting a large number of testimonies for the war crimes and crimes against humanity”
Documenting and recording for Evidence after evidence of rapes,detentions,tortures,and extra-judicially killings of the civilians as well as villages razing to the ground by the Ethiopian Army and the notorious paramilitary force known as Liyu Police.
Now an Ogadeni whistle blower,Abdullahi Hussein,that is making very difficult to Ethiopia to keep hiding such human rights violations against Somalis in the Ogaden region has defected to Sweden bringing what he says is over 100 hours of filmed evidence. Stellan Gärde is a lawyer at international commission of jurists. He says Swedish authorities can take action based on the material.
It has come a time that International prosecutors are now following up the case.The Preliminary inquiry about serious crimes against international law was started on the 24th of October.
Swedish Prosecutors are currently working on particular cases-and frequently asking questions for the victims of the notorious Liyu Police,Militia, Ethiopian Army,Regional administration,and judiciary (federal or regional).
Hence,the prosecutors started to talk to more Somalis from Ogaden Region that have specific points of interest on certain issues.And those have some particular cases-very bad experiences,interesting,or an usual will collaborate with the Court.
The Regional Commentators believe that the investigation will likely to be brought in front of Justice all those involved in the case including in the Ethiopian appointed Chief Abdi Mohammoud Omar known as Abdi iley,his vice Chairman Abdullahi Yusuf werar aka Abdullahi Ethiopia, General Abraha Waldo and Alias Quarter who are a close ally of Abdi Iley.
The Oil-rich Ogaden Region is home to 8-10 million ethnic Somali pastoralists,and it borders Djibouti, Kenya and Somalia.The region was Italian and British-colony, but in 1954, Britain handed over the region secretly to Ethiopia, a decision rejected by the Ogaden Somali population who have since fought for full independence.

Ethiopia: Shocking Widespread Arrests in Ogaden

The Silence of Western and African diplomats when it comes to human rights abuses in Ogaden Region, is not being Somalis in Ogaden,Muslims and Ethiopian government, Christian as many locals believe, but injustice happens anytime, any-where says, an Ogadeni intellectual, Sulub, citing a story happened in a Somali village.
“A father willed all his property (livestock) as a heritage to his sons when he was at his bedside, not sooner than his corpse buried into the grave,the elder son started to sell the livestock one-by-one without the consent of his younger brother or giving him a share. The Younger brother continued to complain to the elders that his older brother was selling the livestock without the consent of him or giving him a share, but nobody listened to him as his older brother refuted the claim. As he (the younger brother) got older, he borrowed a gun from his sympathizer friend and made known to everybody in the village that he had only two options: ‘Either to get back his share or to kill his corrupt, older brother?’ Then Everybody listened to him and involved in the case’.
This story samples to International Community,mainly the Western and African diplomats that hold meetings in Addis Ababa and ignore the plight of the Somali population in ogaden Region, he said
Ethiopian Government made very difficult for Journalists and writers about the region to enter into the region to cover what is going on freely. The Only way to receive the news is to send calls to the people on the ground.
On Monday night,I spoke with Sahra Hassan( Not her real name) on phone and she said:”I was walking the main street,Kara’marda,when gradually I encountered a lot of Liyu Police,I saw them blocking all the lines and scooping out all the people that were passing through.Then, arresting and taking young men between 15 to 30 years old.And Beating with their guns those resisting arrest ”
“I had completely shocked and scared,then I returned to my home,It was the strangest thing I have seen recently”,she added.
The Notorious Liyu Police militia is accused of serious human rights abuses by the rights groups such as Human Rights Watch,Amnesty International and Genocide Watch.
According to local sources,several thousand people were arrested.This Security sweep comes after the Regional Administration of Jigjiga preached for several months that its hosting the Ethiopia’s Nations’ and People’s Day which is due to the end of November.And It’s believed that the puppet Administration is draining the sea to secure the big fish.
In an Ogadentoday Press portal,writer Mohammed Farah reported civilians killed in a part of this crackdown.
As the Group, Ogaden National Liberation Front website states, “The Notorious Jail Ogaden, where thousands of innocent civilians are tortured to death is located just few hundred meters away from the festival area”.
Nobody can visit his/her jailed relatives in Ogaden Jail and those arrests will likely to end up in Ogaden jail without taking them to court.
MSF and Red Cross were operating and providing assistance to villagers in the Ogaden, but expelled from the region when they were accused of middling in the political affairs in the region, a charge they strongly denied.
Those (NGOs) remained in the region are under government surveillance, and when it comes to reporting human rights abuses in the region that they witness occurring in front of their eyes. They(NGOs) face a stark choice indeed, to remain in Ogaden region to keep proving the little assistance to population and watch incidents of human rights violations as it happen, like watching a movie trailer, or to speak out to break the silence which is likely to be very risk-taking to be detained, kidnapped, expelled, killed or injured by landmines planted by the Ethiopian Army.
The Oil-rich Ogaden Region borders Djibouti, Kenya and Somalia and many of its residents are ethnic Somalis. The region was Italian and British-colony, but in 1954, Britain handed over the region secretly to Ethiopia, a decision rejected by the Ogaden Somali population who have since fought for full independence.
The Pressing question on the minds of many Somalis from the region is how long will it continue the silence of the International Community,and Ethiopian donors when it comes to human rights violations of the Region?

Ethiopia: Ogaden Regional President and Vice President Are Under Investigation in Human Rights Abuses in Ogaden Region

The Ogaden Regional President,Abdi Mohammoud Omar known as Abdi Ilay and his Vice President Abdullahi Yusuf Werar better known as Abdullahi Ethiopia are under investigation for alleged human rights abuses, a human rights activist, and former Civil Servant defector,Abdullahi Hussein,who smuggled out over 100-hours of filmed evidence notified the Ogadentoday Press’s Mohammed Farah Wednesday night.
“In the report is mentioned that the Regional President and his Vice President were associated with acts which constitute a crime against humanity in which the film shows,Villagers rounded up and burnt their villages to the ground,before they had been demised,a large number of civilians were arbitrarily arrested,detained,tortured,gang-raped,and extra-judicially killed and that these measures were systematically targeted against members of one particular tribe as a party of a deliberate policy targeting members accused of ONLF-Sympathizers”,he said.
During his stay at Kenya,Mr. Hussein was at risk from the Ethiopian authorities,following his escape from the region and smuggling out the evidence of rape,killings itc.But Swedish Embassy to Kenya granted an asylum and gave him a visa to enter a secure country,Sweden.
The details were first reported in the Swedish News Agency TT on Wednesday.
The investigation began after a lawyer at the International Commission of Jurist, Stellan Gärde, handed over the films to Swedish Prosecutors.
Chief Prosecutor, Krister Petersson,tells TT that additional people will now be questioned.According to Petersson there is ” a vast amount of material” that needs to be gone through,the report said.
According to Ogaden News Network,The Rights Groups such as Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International,and Genocide Watch have been reporting the human rights violations committed at Ogaden Region,but this is the first time an International Criminal Prosecutors are conducting an effective investigations.
The Films are alleged to contain evidence of torture and abuse,The Swedish Radio Reported.
The Regional Commentators believe that the investigation will likely to be brought in front of Justice all those involved in the Genocide including in the Ethiopian Generals such as General Abraham and Alias Quarter who are a close ally of the President Abdi Ilay.
A fresh civilian killings was reported by the Somalilandsun, one of the leading region websites citing a source from Ogadentodey Press.
Ethiopian Government made very difficult for Journalists and writers about the region to enter into the region to cover what is going on freely. The Only way to receive the news is to send calls to the people on the ground.
The Oil-rich Ogaden Region borders Djibouti, Kenya and Somalia and many of its residents are ethnic Somalis. The region was Italian and British-colony, but in 1954, Britain handed over the region secretly to Ethiopia, a decision rejected by the Ogaden Somali population who have since fought for full independence.