Friday, September 6, 2013

Ethiopian Scorched-Earth Policy in Occupied Ogaden and the Liyu Police Militia

Conceived and materialized exclusively for the prolongation of the Ethiopian Occupation of Ogaden, Liyu Police has recently played an active role in the implementation of the Ethiopian scorched-earth policy across the vast, Somali-speaking, Ogaden region; the regional administration of Ogaden was arbitrarily transferred from the British colonials to the Ethiopian kingdom in 1954.
The role played by Liyu Police in the destruction of Ogaden and the Ogadeni society is revealed by a testimony paper composed by a number of recently defected former Liyu Police officers whereby are given details about atrocious incidents, dates and criminal perpetrators. Such is the extent of the horror and the evildoings that the perpetrators have to be persecuted.
Liyu Police Militia   
 The notorious Liyu Police, a paramilitary combat force, was founded on 5 May 2005 to recruit among Somalis of the Ogaden region; the force has been systematically trained, tidily commanded, and scrupulously supervised by the Ogadeni renegade Abdi Mohamoud Omar (Abdi Ilay) and the associated Ethiopian Army generals stationing in the provinces of Harar and Qorahay of the Occupied Ogaden region.
The oppressive institution has a double goal, namely to prepare an extra force to combat the national liberation struggle of the Ogadenis and to pull as many local Somali youth as possible away from their oppressed community and, through the ‘reward’ of a high monthly income, to detach them from their patriotic engagement.

The special paramilitary forces of Liyu Police are trained in Garab’ase military barracks of Jigjiga, Capital of Ogaden.After the completion of a 6-month of basic military and guerrilla tactics training, the participants are graduated during a shameful ceremony organized by the loathed traitor Abdi Mohamoud Omar (Abdi Ilay), the associated Ethiopian Army generals, and other officers of the occupying forces.
Abdi Mohamoud Omar (Abdi Ilay) holds a meeting with every fresh graduate; in the brief discussion, he offers his dark advice to the graduates, asking the well-trained forces to “indoctrinate the women with the male phallus and the men with guns”.
Liyu Police militias are dressed in a gray, brown and light black uniform, and are equipped with AK-47, PKM, RPG, and other military grade weapons, which are all supplied by the Ethiopian Ministry of Defense – another sheer indication that Ogaden is not part of Ethiopia, but an occupied territory pretty much like Palestine, Kashmir and Western Sahara.
Liyu police officers strive to achieve the rank of “Shaleqa“, i.e. major; this rank is acquired only after the proven performance of many killings.
However murderous a Liyu police officer may happen to be, promotion to the rank of Shaleqa involves also evident disrespect of the religious and traditional tenets of the officer’s family and society. Beyond the numerous killings of their fellow Ogadeni countrymen that the Liyu police officers have to perpetrate, they are also forced to disparage Islam, their own religion, and their national Somali identity and traditions, in order to be fully appreciated and thus promoted by the Ogadeni turncoat Abdi Mohamoud Omar (Abdi Ilay).
Useless to add, Liyu Police officers’ salaries are exorbitantly high for what a monthly income can be in impoverished Ethiopia – and even more so for the inhabitants of the destitute Ogaden region, which remains deprived of all basics of life that are however made available in the country’s partially promoted provinces Tigray and Amhara.
The basic monthly salary of a Shaleqa (major) starts at 5,000 ETB (US$ 265), which is a considerably high income, taken into consideration that in impoverished Ethiopia, high school teachers get monthly no more than ETB 3000 (US$ 150), and an employee in a social instance has a salary of around ETB 4000 (US$ 200), although both categories require university studies and graduation. Quite contrarily, in the notorious Liyu police are accepted people who completed only their Primary Education, and at times, totally uneducated persons are allowed to enroll.

At this point, it is necessary to specify that Abdi Mohamoud Omar (Abdi Ilay) is the Ethiopia-appointed Regional President of Ogaden, which is officially named ‘Kilil 5′, i.e. Province 5, a term that reveals the ethnic-cleansing policy mercilessly pursued by the terrorist government of Ethiopia.
Abdi Mohamoud Omar holds also the post of the Chief Commander of Liyu Police, which clearly shows the importance attributed to this shameful, repressive institution and to the destructive role it plays within Occupied Ogaden.

Among Liyu Police trainees, the renegade Abdi Mohamoud Omar is imperatively called Aabo Abdi, lit. ‘Father Abdi’. This euphemism suits well a shameful renegade, who was divorced by his first wife, a brave lady who repeatedly commented negatively about the “Liyu Police smelly socks”.
The scorched-earth campaign that has been taking place across Ogaden over the past years led to the destruction of many towns and hundreds of villages that were razed to the ground in all nine (9) provinces of Ogaden. The details of the events were extensively reported, published, documented and denounced by leading humanitarian NGOs, the likes of Human Rights Watch (HRW) and Amnesty International.
The atrocities represent a deliberate ethnic-cleaning campaign and the first, fully-proven genocide of the 21st century; amongst others, the following acts have been perpetrated in Occupied Ogaden during the past decade: sexual assault, rape, torture, extort, beating, robbery and inhumane treatment of civilians, unlawful confinement, murder; unlawful deportation and transfer of civilians; targeting of political leaders, intellectuals and professionals; unlawful appropriation and plunder of real and personal property; the destruction of places of water supplies including local wells; extra-judicial killings of civilians; destruction of villages and crops.