Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Ethiopia:Why is IGAD's Reputation in Tatters

The Regional Organization of IGAD is now an organization that serves the self-interest of Ethiopia-exploited minority tribe that inhabited in Ethiopia's highland of Tigray.
Established in 1996 in Djibouti, the Organization's principles and its purposes behind its creation has been hijacked by Ethiopia-ruled minority tribe of Tigrayan People's Liberation Front or (TPLF).
"The role of certain Regional countries such as Somalia, Sudan, Djibouti in the body is missing and it's obvious that the Organization is hijacked by Ethiopia," said Ali Abdi, a Somali independent researcher
Ethiopia elites use IGAD as a tool to lobby International Community against Regional states such as Somalia and Eritrea and its powerful oppositions.
Ethiopia has been very keen to use an old, aged-policy based on divide-and-rule among ethnic groups within its Country and beyond its border and also establishing renegade individuals and administrations in the region that can serve, advocate, and speak out its interest within Somali inhabited territories for the last two decades. One of renegade individuals is Eng. Mahboub Maalim, who as reported "regurgitates Ethiopia government "Propaganda".
"As for Eng. Mahboub, every word that Ethiopia whispers into his ears are enough to tattoo on his body", Said Mr. Abdi.
Uganda was competing against Ethiopia before, but it is likely to be that it was defeated because Ethiopia enjoys the votes of four regional nations-Djibouti, Somalia, South Sudan and her vote-that can't go anywhere else, while Kenya is neutral.
The Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) is an eight-country trading bloc based in Eastern Africa. Including governments from the Horn of Africa, Nile Valley and African Great Lakes, its headquarters are located in Djibout.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Ethiopia: Security Forces Crackdown on Ahlusuna Waljama' in Ogaden Region

There is a Somali legendary,the Sufis had been a blood-war with another sect from he Capital of Somalia, Muqdisho ,Commanded by a Scholar named,Shiekh Ibrahim.And Sufi Scholar,Sheikh Maqdashe,in Ogaden Region sought a support from Ethiopian highlanders by saying "Naa'" which in Amharic means "come" in a loud voice. Ethiopia and Sufi Sect have had full diplomatic relationship since that time.
But as Bismarck coined the term, 'In politics, there are no permanent friends or foes, only permanent interests'.
A decades ago, an Ethiopian soldier mistakenly assumed a Sufi member a rebel and started to beat and harass him.The Sufi man asked for a young man to interpret between him and the Ethiopian soldier by saying that he was a member of Sufi followers. The young man said in a response a term that became a common Somali saying,"Afka aad kaga keentay Maqale ku la hadal" which roughly translated, 'You can speak with him the same language that you make him come here (Ogaden region), from Meleke'.
That shows how Somalis in the Ogaden region have been unhappy with the Ethiopian occupation.
For the last couple of years,Ethiopia Government and the Regional puppet Administration of Occupied-Ogaden have been targeting Ahlu suna Waljama' (ASWJ),a moderate Sufi Islamist sect that has hundreds of thousands of followers in the vast majority of Somalis in the Ogaden Region.
Ethiopia Army and its ally the notorious Liyu Police militia attacked several Qadiriyah school teachings among them Birqod, Kabri-bayax, Danan, and Araarso.
The sects main Uluma' figures were accused of supporting an independence seeking rebel group,Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF) and were jailed in a notorious Prison,locally known as "Jail Ogaden" in the Regional Capital of Jigjiga. The crackdown comes after Ehlu Sunna Waljama's arch-enemy Al-Itihaad Al-Islamiya (AIAI), a radical Islamist group, signed a peace-deal with Addis Ababa in July 30th,2010.
An article posted on Ogadentoday Presss states that there was a religious disagreement between ASWAJ AND AIAI who should dominate the Masjid-ul Acla.And one of them must be out from the political arena.
"We gravely concern for the Sheikhs' well being".We put our trust in Allah and when Allah intervenes in the Ethiopian evil and the Bid'ah-refers to any innovations in religious matters-amid Al-Itihaad Al-Islamiya (AIAI) will be defeated ", Said Mr. Aidid,an exile Sufi follower.
Several thousands of civilians are serving life in prison in notorious "Jail Ogaden" without charge among them the sheikhs or scholars of Sufi sect and their followers.
Ethiopia Army and the ASWJ had been living next to each other for a long time, and the sect,(ASWAJ) believes that the arrests of its scholars is only a conspiracy from its arch-enemy ,Itahad-Al Islamiya,that want to cause grief for the Qadiriyah followers .
"I would like to express my sympathy to the jailed,demised, and injured Uluma,and I can assure you that this is only a conspiracy from Al-Itahaad," said Sheikh Aidid.
Al-Itahad leadership in Ogaden region believes that affiliating with the Regional puppet administration is not only a privilege for them but a right to revenge against their arch-enemies ASWAJ and ONLF. But also a chance to attract youths that can devote its strict teachings of Islam in the long-term and when the time is right,they will be able to wage a Jihadi war against the black imperialist of Ethiopia.
"Our peace-deal with Ethiopia was not surrendering as many believes,but a game-changer, only military effort was not the solution, we can dominate the economic sector and teach teenagers the sharia law,then when the time is right;we can defeat the Christian state of Ethiopia",Said Al-Itahaad leader,who declined to be named.
The embattled Ahlu Suna Waljama'a in Somalia is heavily armed and enjoy military confidence while its impoverished followers in Ogaden region are unarmed and money-striped.And the Sect is now desperately searching support from their followers in Somalia.
But it is not clear what the sect will do since it's an Ethiopian ally against Al-Shabab in Somalia.
So Will the sect offer support to its Qadiriyah fellows in Ogaden region or not? That's the sixty-four-thousand-dollar question!

Ethiopia: Human Rights Abuses in Ogaden Gets International Attention: .A Good News Story?

After years of human rights abuses in Ogaden region without international independent investigation,Ogaden region seems to finally have a good news story.Sweden will be the first European country that is investigating what Swedish Prosecutors say a serious human rights abuses committed at Ogaden region.
“I absolutely welcome the good news of holding those who committed the atrocities and human rights abuses in occupied-Ogaden responsible”,said Mohammed Hared, a 31 year-old Somali activist and an active member of Ogaden Youth and Students Union,OYSU-North America.
Established in Denmark in June 27th, 2010,The Ogaden Youth and Students Union or OYSU is a non-governmental,non-profit Organisation as the name refers to OYSU consists of youth educators around the Globe that their mission is advocate for the rights of the youth, Students, children in diaspora and in Ogaden Region as well as promoting and advocating for justice,Freedom and a lasting peace in Ogaden Region
Early of this year,the Organization extended its role and waged a campaign to draw the attention of the International Community what it says “The Ignored Hidden Genocide in Ogaden” in the last couple of years. Two great events are about to held in South Africa and North America betweenNovember 27 and 29.
Despite well-documented evidences by the Rights Groups, the Ethiopia Government has been denying any wrong doing for the last 7-8 years when it times to human rights abuses committed at Ogaden region,but now nothing is ever hidden from the International Community.
“I don’t really think the atrocities committed at Ogaden have ever been hidden from the international community.It is just that many countries around the World chose to ignore the plight of the Somali people in occupied-Ogaden”, said Mr. Hared,in an email response.
Rights groups such as Human Rights Watch,Amnesty International, and Genocide Watch have been collecting a large number of testimonies for the war crimes and crimes against humanity”
Documenting and recording for Evidence after evidence of rapes,detentions,tortures,and extra-judicially killings of the civilians as well as villages razing to the ground by the Ethiopian Army and the notorious paramilitary force known as Liyu Police.
Now an Ogadeni whistle blower,Abdullahi Hussein,that is making very difficult to Ethiopia to keep hiding such human rights violations against Somalis in the Ogaden region has defected to Sweden bringing what he says is over 100 hours of filmed evidence. Stellan Gärde is a lawyer at international commission of jurists. He says Swedish authorities can take action based on the material.
It has come a time that International prosecutors are now following up the case.The Preliminary inquiry about serious crimes against international law was started on the 24th of October.
Swedish Prosecutors are currently working on particular cases-and frequently asking questions for the victims of the notorious Liyu Police,Militia, Ethiopian Army,Regional administration,and judiciary (federal or regional).
Hence,the prosecutors started to talk to more Somalis from Ogaden Region that have specific points of interest on certain issues.And those have some particular cases-very bad experiences,interesting,or an usual will collaborate with the Court.
The Regional Commentators believe that the investigation will likely to be brought in front of Justice all those involved in the case including in the Ethiopian appointed Chief Abdi Mohammoud Omar known as Abdi iley,his vice Chairman Abdullahi Yusuf werar aka Abdullahi Ethiopia, General Abraha Waldo and Alias Quarter who are a close ally of Abdi Iley.
The Oil-rich Ogaden Region is home to 8-10 million ethnic Somali pastoralists,and it borders Djibouti, Kenya and Somalia.The region was Italian and British-colony, but in 1954, Britain handed over the region secretly to Ethiopia, a decision rejected by the Ogaden Somali population who have since fought for full independence.

Ethiopia: Shocking Widespread Arrests in Ogaden

The Silence of Western and African diplomats when it comes to human rights abuses in Ogaden Region, is not being Somalis in Ogaden,Muslims and Ethiopian government, Christian as many locals believe, but injustice happens anytime, any-where says, an Ogadeni intellectual, Sulub, citing a story happened in a Somali village.
“A father willed all his property (livestock) as a heritage to his sons when he was at his bedside, not sooner than his corpse buried into the grave,the elder son started to sell the livestock one-by-one without the consent of his younger brother or giving him a share. The Younger brother continued to complain to the elders that his older brother was selling the livestock without the consent of him or giving him a share, but nobody listened to him as his older brother refuted the claim. As he (the younger brother) got older, he borrowed a gun from his sympathizer friend and made known to everybody in the village that he had only two options: ‘Either to get back his share or to kill his corrupt, older brother?’ Then Everybody listened to him and involved in the case’.
This story samples to International Community,mainly the Western and African diplomats that hold meetings in Addis Ababa and ignore the plight of the Somali population in ogaden Region, he said
Ethiopian Government made very difficult for Journalists and writers about the region to enter into the region to cover what is going on freely. The Only way to receive the news is to send calls to the people on the ground.
On Monday night,I spoke with Sahra Hassan( Not her real name) on phone and she said:”I was walking the main street,Kara’marda,when gradually I encountered a lot of Liyu Police,I saw them blocking all the lines and scooping out all the people that were passing through.Then, arresting and taking young men between 15 to 30 years old.And Beating with their guns those resisting arrest ”
“I had completely shocked and scared,then I returned to my home,It was the strangest thing I have seen recently”,she added.
The Notorious Liyu Police militia is accused of serious human rights abuses by the rights groups such as Human Rights Watch,Amnesty International and Genocide Watch.
According to local sources,several thousand people were arrested.This Security sweep comes after the Regional Administration of Jigjiga preached for several months that its hosting the Ethiopia’s Nations’ and People’s Day which is due to the end of November.And It’s believed that the puppet Administration is draining the sea to secure the big fish.
In an Ogadentoday Press portal,writer Mohammed Farah reported civilians killed in a part of this crackdown.
As the Group, Ogaden National Liberation Front website states, “The Notorious Jail Ogaden, where thousands of innocent civilians are tortured to death is located just few hundred meters away from the festival area”.
Nobody can visit his/her jailed relatives in Ogaden Jail and those arrests will likely to end up in Ogaden jail without taking them to court.
MSF and Red Cross were operating and providing assistance to villagers in the Ogaden, but expelled from the region when they were accused of middling in the political affairs in the region, a charge they strongly denied.
Those (NGOs) remained in the region are under government surveillance, and when it comes to reporting human rights abuses in the region that they witness occurring in front of their eyes. They(NGOs) face a stark choice indeed, to remain in Ogaden region to keep proving the little assistance to population and watch incidents of human rights violations as it happen, like watching a movie trailer, or to speak out to break the silence which is likely to be very risk-taking to be detained, kidnapped, expelled, killed or injured by landmines planted by the Ethiopian Army.
The Oil-rich Ogaden Region borders Djibouti, Kenya and Somalia and many of its residents are ethnic Somalis. The region was Italian and British-colony, but in 1954, Britain handed over the region secretly to Ethiopia, a decision rejected by the Ogaden Somali population who have since fought for full independence.
The Pressing question on the minds of many Somalis from the region is how long will it continue the silence of the International Community,and Ethiopian donors when it comes to human rights violations of the Region?

Ethiopia: Ogaden Regional President and Vice President Are Under Investigation in Human Rights Abuses in Ogaden Region

The Ogaden Regional President,Abdi Mohammoud Omar known as Abdi Ilay and his Vice President Abdullahi Yusuf Werar better known as Abdullahi Ethiopia are under investigation for alleged human rights abuses, a human rights activist, and former Civil Servant defector,Abdullahi Hussein,who smuggled out over 100-hours of filmed evidence notified the Ogadentoday Press’s Mohammed Farah Wednesday night.
“In the report is mentioned that the Regional President and his Vice President were associated with acts which constitute a crime against humanity in which the film shows,Villagers rounded up and burnt their villages to the ground,before they had been demised,a large number of civilians were arbitrarily arrested,detained,tortured,gang-raped,and extra-judicially killed and that these measures were systematically targeted against members of one particular tribe as a party of a deliberate policy targeting members accused of ONLF-Sympathizers”,he said.
During his stay at Kenya,Mr. Hussein was at risk from the Ethiopian authorities,following his escape from the region and smuggling out the evidence of rape,killings itc.But Swedish Embassy to Kenya granted an asylum and gave him a visa to enter a secure country,Sweden.
The details were first reported in the Swedish News Agency TT on Wednesday.
The investigation began after a lawyer at the International Commission of Jurist, Stellan Gärde, handed over the films to Swedish Prosecutors.
Chief Prosecutor, Krister Petersson,tells TT that additional people will now be questioned.According to Petersson there is ” a vast amount of material” that needs to be gone through,the report said.
According to Ogaden News Network,The Rights Groups such as Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International,and Genocide Watch have been reporting the human rights violations committed at Ogaden Region,but this is the first time an International Criminal Prosecutors are conducting an effective investigations.
The Films are alleged to contain evidence of torture and abuse,The Swedish Radio Reported.
The Regional Commentators believe that the investigation will likely to be brought in front of Justice all those involved in the Genocide including in the Ethiopian Generals such as General Abraham and Alias Quarter who are a close ally of the President Abdi Ilay.
A fresh civilian killings was reported by the Somalilandsun, one of the leading region websites citing a source from Ogadentodey Press.
Ethiopian Government made very difficult for Journalists and writers about the region to enter into the region to cover what is going on freely. The Only way to receive the news is to send calls to the people on the ground.
The Oil-rich Ogaden Region borders Djibouti, Kenya and Somalia and many of its residents are ethnic Somalis. The region was Italian and British-colony, but in 1954, Britain handed over the region secretly to Ethiopia, a decision rejected by the Ogaden Somali population who have since fought for full independence.

Ethiopia’s Liyu Police -The New Crisis of The Horn of Africa

Ethiopian paramilitary Force or Liyu Police militia better known as”Ethiopia’s Janjaweed” is killing, raping, torturing, and arresting unarmed civilians in Ethiopian-Occupied Ogaden Region.
The Militia’s human rights violations is well-documented by the Rights Groups-such as Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International and Genocide Watch.The Guardian reported that this criminal institution to receive £19 million from UK’s department for International Development or (DFID), a report denied by the DFID.
Twenty-three year-old, Nafis, who only gave her first name for fear of reprisal told me how she escaped from her town Hamaro, in the Fiq province, on phone. “A large number of paramilitary soldiers stormed our houses while I was in the vicinity of the town, killing any-one in sight and taking few people with them including my 2-year-old baby, Neima Mohammed, she said.
Two hours later, she was confirmed that her baby, Neima, was taken and detained in “Ogaden Jail” for political background. The baby’s father, Mohammed, is one of the ONLF-sympathizers and that is the reason behind the baby’s detention. But Nafis was shocked and was more gut-wrenching for the news of her baby. Now a refugee in Yemen, Nafis’s message to International community is simple: “I want my little baby back”.
The aforementioned reveals down-to-earth reality in Ogaden: the local people face a stark choice indeed, namely either to remain at home in Ogaden, and be exposed to various deprivations, extreme suffering, routine army brutality, long imprisonment, and brutal scorch earth tactics or flee and manage to get to some refugee camps in the neighboring countries whereby safety is not an issue anymore, but the conditions of life are truly miserable and the humanitarian assistance is very limited.
Nafis is one of more than 3,000 Ogadeni refugees currently living in Yemen’s Capital, Sana’a under UNHCR’s mandate.
Liyu Police-controlled notorious prison locally known as “Jail Ogaden” in the regional capital of Jigjiga, is one of brutal prisons on earth that is held many inmates without charge. About 5,000 inmates are in Ogaden jail among them are women, children and babies including men. This prison is known for “dishing out not just physical torture to its inmates but mental as well.” I will write in details for my upcoming articles.
According to human rights groups, Ethiopian forces and its ally, Special police, carry out unlawful detention and extra-judicial killing of civilians sought to be sympathizers of the ONLF. Ethiopian forces are also accused of forcefully recruiting civilians among them children to do its war against Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF) but Liyu Police members are defecting one-by-one and Ethiopian forces may not rely on it any longer, as a former Liyu defector, Capt. Hassan Aafo, told me.
This academy for qualified murderers enjoy international community’s silence when it comes to human rights abuses being committed against the unarmed Somali civilians in Ethiopian-occupied Ogaden region by the Liyu Police militia and Ethiopian Army.Many people were forced out Ogaden region and died in the seas, therefore, Liyu Police militia is not only a new regional crisis but international one.
According to Swedish Paper, Aftonbadet, Swedish War Crimes Commission has launched a preliminary investigation against Ogaden Regional President, Abdi Mohamoud Omar and his vice president Abdullahi Yusuf Werar. The Report came right after different Swedish TV channels including Swedish Television SVT, showed a movie smuggled out from Ogaden by an Ogadeni Refugee, Abdullahi Hussein, who had been a government official in the region. The 100 hours long movie is said to have many evidences of genocide committed by the Ethiopian government in the region.
According to a report by the Ogadentoday Press three civilians were executed in Godey, quoting an NGO-worker in the area, who declined to be named, said, that the men who were demised were accused of being sympathizers of Ogaden National Liberation Front(ONLF).
The Oil-rich Ogaden Region borders Djibouti, Kenya and Somalia and many of its residents are ethnic Somalis. The region was Italian and British-colony, but in 1954, British handed over the region secretly to Ethiopia a decision rejected by the Ogaden Somali population and fight for full Independence ever since.

Liyu Police in Ogaden: Will Ethiopia’s Donors Hold Them Accountable For The Crimes They Perpetrate?

The deterioration of the conditions of human life in Occupied Ogaden has a lot to do with the multifaceted activities of oppression that are regularly perpetrated by the Liyu policemen and officers. In an earlier publication, we gave a diagram of their structure and operations; in the present article, we will focus on some of their customary practices.
Rape viewed as the Right Method of War
To describe the normal, defensive attitude and stance of a woman under assault, the Liyu Police senior commanders introduced a new term, e.g. a shameful expression which reveals their beastly nature and the inhuman education they received in the said institution. The term coined in this regard is “anti-peace elements”. In other words, to carry out their premeditated rapes against targeted Ogadeni women, the Liyu Police officers offer themselves a mythical justification of their intentional crimes.
The concept that every woman, who rejects being raped by the Liyu torture specialists, is an ‘anti-peace element’ reflects the Ethiopian state’s terrorist policy and the absence of human dignity in the African country with the darkest record of Human Rights violations. Contrarily to all declarations of Human Rights and to every notion of International Law, in Ethiopia, imprisoned women are deliberately raped in front of their fellow prisoners, men or women.
In April 2012, in the Liyu police station located at Labiga, a village in Occupied Ogaden, a malicious person named Farxiye, a Liyu police major, in time of duty, forced with the threat of guns, a group of women and girls to remove their clothes and stand naked in front of other Liyu policemen; in such condition, they kept them for long, asking them whether they were wives of ONLF fighters. To further dishonor and humiliate the naked Ogadeni women, the major ordered several policemen to penetrate the women’s vagina with their fingers as if in a medical examination and with the hypothetical purpose to examine whether they had had sexual intercourse with their husbands – the supposed fighters of the ONLF over the few hours preceding their arrest.
Following the vicious and shameful, medical parody, the Liyu policemen raped most of the arrested women and girls, sparing only a few. Among the raped women in Bu’lale are Sahra Hassan Bashir, Fadumo Awliyo, and Ina-Dhoolo Biid. When Sahra Hassan informed relatives and friends that she had been raped by the police, the news spread around and the angry police officers paid a visit to her house to threaten her with death, if she insisted to tell her story to the other villagers.
In Occupied Ogaden, rape has become a common, often repeated, crime that remains unpunished, as long as the international community tolerates the existence of the terrorist, colonial state of Ethiopia.
Mass Murder
According to several testimonies made by a number of former Liyu Police officers, who defected recently from their regiments, no less than 709 civilians were killed extrajudicially in front of eye-witnesses in the Ogadeni provinces of Degeh-bur, Nogob, and Jigjiga in the last few years.
Some of the most atrocious massacres were committed in Dusmo, Labiga, Gosolaley, Geri’go’an, Gunagado, Abshir, Bu’lale, Dabo-jiriso, Wado-Abared, Aware, Golool-goose, Malqaqa, Bula’dari, Galaalshe, Iskudhunley, and Dara-salam.
In February 2012, two prominent figures of the village Gunagado, Abdikader Foolow, and Moalin Khader were killed in the middle of the night by Liyu policemen; their killing had been ordered by Liyu major Bashir Af-dheere. The Liyu policemen even killed people who evidently saw the extrajudicial killings in order not to leave any testimony able to accurately and completely narrate the story. Among these witnesses who were killed, there were two women. One of them pleaded in vain to be spared for the fear of God, as she was eight (8) months pregnant. To this, the criminal Liyu police officer, Major Bashir Af-dheere answered shamelessly: “We have only one god, and this is (father) Abdi. May god be glorious”!
Extrajudicial arrests
The number of detained civilians has always been exorbitantly high. The notorious jail of Jigjiga, capital of Ogaden, is said to be packed with prisoners, and according to modest estimates, there are more than 5,000 prisoners, women, children and men, in the jail – all because they were suspected to be ONLF sympathizers.
In Ogaden, ordinary prisoners and prisoners of conscience alike spent many long years in detention, awaiting a trial that never came; thus they were exposed to very low conditions of hygiene and nutrition. Hundreds of detainees have died because of diarrhea and other contaminations. The cells are at times flooded with evacuation waters, and this often causes repeated cholera outbreaks that eliminate many prisoners. Nevertheless, the survivors still face an unusually brutal attitude from the guards and are constantly beaten and hit with various instruments with catastrophic results for their integrity and health.
For all cases of imprisonment, after their incarceration and for several weeks, prisoners are placed in the horrendous cells known as “neef diid”; these cells are airless and dark, and the prisoners are exposed to different types of torture in order to be forced to confess that they are ONLF members or sympathizers. Over the span of the last decades, many innocent civilians suffocated and died in those airless cells.
Property confiscation
When it comes to cattle-keeping in Ogaden, Liyu policemen are known for their inclination of officialized robbery. The following incident is an example.
Only in the period May – June 2012, more than 430 livestock were confiscated from villagers of Abshir and Dig by the 11th regiment of Liyu Police which is based in Dig. These animals were slaughtered for food by the Liyu Police.
Occupied Ogaden
The aforementioned reveals down-to-earth reality in Occupied Ogaden; the local people face a stark choice indeed, namely either to remain at home in Ogaden, and be exposed to various deprivations, extreme suffering, routine army brutality, long imprisonment, and brutal scorch earth tactics or to flee and manage to get to some refugee camps in the neighboring countries whereby safety is not an issue anymore, but the conditions of life are truly miserable and the humanitarian assistance very limited.
It is very difficult to know with accuracy how many civilians were massacred since the Ethiopian military crackdown in 2007; however, Human Rights activists and experts are convinced that several hundreds of thousands of people were mercilessly exterminated in Ogaden.
Ogaden was formerly an Italian and British colony; the local colonial authority was secretly transferred to Ethiopia following an agreement with the British in 1945, and the land was annexed in the early 50s. Ogaden remained under Ethiopian occupation ever since.